Week 6 – Naturopath   no comments

Posted at 12:47 am in General

Kyle had his 15 month appointment today with our pediatrician Dr. Walsh. I was nervous to talk to her about TSW because I didn’t feel like I was armed with enough information. I had print outs from ITSAN and my knowledge from friends & websites. She was shocked when she saw the boys skin, I showed her pictures from the past 6 weeks of withdrawal. She had never heard of TSW before so I did my best to explain it to her before giving her my print outs. Her past files of our visits showed that I had voiced my issues with using topical steroids. Dr. Walsh is backing us 100% and said if we need anything during our journey that she is just a phone call away. It is a huge relief to have her on our side.

This afternoon we met with Dr. Rebecca Lawrence, a Naturopath in Cohasset. She basically got a rundown of Eli’s medical history and where we are at now. She wants to get a stool sample and send it to a lab for testing to make sure Eli’s liver is functioning properly. We will know when we get the results on how to proceed. She wants to use probiotics so good bacteria can take away the bad bacteria in his body. She suggested we start him on Burdock for now to take a step in the healing direction. She explained to us that Nik & I having eczema as kids has carried over to our boys and our food sensitivities have been passed along as well. We are optimistic about Eli’s skin and general health as far as working with Dr. Rebecca.

Click here  Dr. Rebecca Lawrence  lawrencenatural.com


Eli waiting for Dr Walsh
week 6 withdrawal

Written by Shannon on February 13th, 2014

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