Week 8 – Mom Guilt   no comments

Posted at 7:45 pm in General

We have all experienced it, mom guilt. You want to be focused and put together and have everything under control. Let’s face it, you don’t. Some days it takes everything you have to survive the day. This has been one of those days for me. Eli has been having trouble sleeping the passed few nights and has ended up in our bed. We have a king size bed and his little body takes up the most room! He was all over me last night and I got very little sleep. Here comes the guilt… how dare I be frustrated that I didn’t get much sleep? Obviously Eli needs the sleep more than I do. He is miserable in his skin most days, when he can sleep comfortably it’s a blessing. When I made the decision to have kids I knew that it was also a decision to always put their needs before my own. I guess guilt comes along with motherhood. It’s funny no one talks about it until you go through it, it’s nothing to be ashamed of it’s part of life.  His skin is looking better this week although he has been getting flares on his face. Baby steps are better than no steps.


Written by Shannon on February 26th, 2014

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