Week 13 – Going in Reverse   no comments

Posted at 1:42 pm in General

It is so frustrating to have Eli’s skin clear one day and have him wake up the next day looking terrible. He has been really dry and scaly this week, no amount of Vaseline seems to help. His sleep has still been erratic too, most days he doesn’t nap and falls asleep immediately when we put him to bed. Two hours later he will be scratching and crying. We upped his Zyrtec to a full dose ( 10 mg ) in hopes that it would help – it hasn’t. We had to buy Eli one piece cotton pj’s to wear during the day to keep him from getting to his skin. We call it his “day suit” I can’t say enough how lucky we are that he is such a good kid. His neck is the worst of his skin right now, which sucks because we can’t cover it. We try as much as possible to stop him when he starts scratching it but we don’t always get there in time. He had slight oozing yesterday afternoon because of it. Eli is doing great with his speech, he has more words and phrases every day. He went to James’ Birthday party on Sunday at Pump n’ Jump and his skin was fine, he had a great time. I did notice that when he is active and sweats his skin doesn’t itch as much. We have 2 Birthday parties this weekend, Jack’s will be at his house and Ava’s will be at the bowling alley. I’m sure the boys will have a blast!

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Written by Shannon on April 3rd, 2014

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